Srikanth Kondapally
Provide a short summary of why you should be selected by the community as a Digital Experience MVP
With close to 15 years of experience working in the digital space, I believe, I am a suitable candidate to express my interest in getting elected as a Digital Experience MVP. I started my career journey working on Sitecore and later expanded to other platforms as well like Coveo,, etc.,. This has helped me in implementing and accomplishing many successful projects for our customers and help on their digital journey. In free time, I try to help out the digital community team members my sharing my skill set and my learning experiences working with multiple digital platforms.
Contributions you have made in the Digital Experience (DX) community online and in-person (i.e., blog posts, podcasts, webinars, encouraged others to join)?
I post blogs quite often, attended and been a speaker at user group events, Symposium, etc.,. Offline, I do a lot of RnD on different digital platforms like Azure Cloud computing, Sitecore Composable stack inlcuding all the latest offerings,, Coveo Commerce and Coveo Search (Headless). I always try to share my learning and my experiences working in digtial space with fellow team members and have also mentored a lot of aspiring developers on their journey in digital space.
What encouraging words would you like to share with those new to the community and perhaps new in their career?
When I started in the digital space, there was not much of support from the community. In the last 10 years, the support and documentation and everything about a new platform has grown exponentially. That is the power of social platforms now a days. That is why I follow a simple rule - Learn, Share and Repeat. Every developer needs some sort of a guidance when they are picking up something new in their career. Let it be even a single blog post, a speaker session or a webinar; if it helped even a single person in our community, its a win in my opinion. That's how I learned and it helped me a lot. So, I try to repay my doing the best I can in sharing my knowledge. Sharing knowledge is the best thing we can do for our peers.
List other URLs to showcase your work, such as GitHub, StackOverflow, StackExchange, Twitter, and others that are relevant.
LN -
Twitter -
Stack Exchange -
Blog Posts -