2023 Digital Experience MVP: PAUL Abdool


PAUL Abdool

Provide a short summary of why you should be selected by the community as a Digital Experience MVP

Community Advocacy As the Global Director of Partnerships at my firm, making connections and participating in communities is not only my job but it is fun. I get the opportunity to share ideas from the "streets" (communities around the world) with my colleagues (Developers, Customer Success, Product and Senior Management), the folks in "lab", to help us all make things better for our customers. This year I was able to facilitate several connections between my connections that enabled the sharing of their insights. I participated in podcasts and live events to learn & share diverse thoughts in this digital ecosystem.

Contributions you have made in the Digital Experience (DX) community online and in-person (i.e., blog posts, podcasts, webinars, encouraged others to join)?

Events: Attended eTail Boston, CMS Wire Connect, BigCommerce Partner Summit, Janus Boye CMS Experts I participated in Konaverse, introduced some participants to both the Konaverse and DX Cafe. Active participant in the Pavilion Association and the Konabos lead DxCommunity Slack channel. Promoted the "Customer-Centric: Personalization & A/B Testing" Webinar Series. Encouraged my CRO Stefan Schinkel to participate.

What encouraging words would you like to share with those new to the community and perhaps new in their career?

Keep and open mind and do the hard jobs that others turn their nose up at. Listen and digest all feedback and advice, then form your own opinion and ask some questions that include the word "why". Work at a job long enough to be really good at it before going to the next one. Enjoy the journey.

List other URLs to showcase your work, such as GitHub, StackOverflow, StackExchange, Twitter, and others that are relevant.

Promoted The Digital Experience (DX) Community. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/paul-abdool_this-webinar-series-aims-to-explore-personalization-activity-7107072267511111681-5QST?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

Connections: Introduced Polish partner Konrad Kuceł from the company Naturaily to USA partner Matt McQueeney of Konabos. H/T to Paul Abdool for the connect!


Participated in the People Powered Community Podcast.


This article: eCommerce Today: Headless Removes the Roadblocks, was co-authored with dotCMS partner, Raak Creative. (This was promoting headless in Australia, a monolith dominated continent)


Posted on LinkedIn about a great session at eTail Boston


CMS Wire Connect


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