2023 Digital Experience MVP: Michael Andrews


Michael Andrews

Provide a short summary of why you should be selected by the community as a Digital Experience MVP

My career has been focused on sharing knowledge and best practices. I've been a community director for the global Content Strategy Forum, an active participant in several professional groups, including the DX Community, been a content strategy evangelist for two vendors, presented at many conferences (Button, Information Architecture Conference, LavaCon, etc.) on best practices, a contributor to the schema.org community, a presenter at meetups and discussant in podcasts, and a writer contributing to company websites as well as my own blog, Story Needle.

Contributions you have made in the Digital Experience (DX) community online and in-person (i.e., blog posts, podcasts, webinars, encouraged others to join)?

Over the past few years, I have written over 100 blog posts on DX-related topics. I am also active on LinkedIn and in Slack groups by sharing interesting articles I've noticed and answering questions where I can add insights. I've participated in numerous podcasts discussing topics such as content modeling and governance -- issues that are vital to improving the maturity of DX in organizations.

What encouraging words would you like to share with those new to the community and perhaps new in their career?

I've been working in DX for 25 years, and I feel we have never seen a more exciting time than right now. DX is no longer a niche: it affects everything an organization needs to accomplish. And the opportunities to improve DX keep improving with new technologies, AI, and ways to connect information. Any new to the field will find plenty of areas to make a difference and will enjoy many exciting challenges to solve in their careers.

List other URLs to showcase your work, such as GitHub, StackOverflow, StackExchange, Twitter, and others that are relevant.

My blog: https://storyneedle.com/

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