Matthew McQueeny

Provide a short summary of why you should be selected by the community as a Digital Experience MVP
I have been working across digital experience for 20 years, starting with blogs and journalism, then content management systems, Digital Experience Platforms, podcasting, digital marketing strategy, social media, and everything encompassed in this digital domain. My philosophy deep down is about bringing people together, creating content opportunities from these connections, and trying to "raise all boats" for the industry. I continually connect at a personal and professional level with companies, individuals, and thought leaders across the industry. I believe that through these connections and amplification, 1+1 consistently equals much more than two.
Contributions you have made in the Digital Experience (DX) community online and in-person (i.e., blog posts, podcasts, webinars, encouraged others to join)?
Some particular vendor agnostic experiences I will call out: * Konaverse podcast co-host: DX Cafe Webinar series host: * Konabos March Madness 2023 Co-creator: * Creator and co-moderator of the "DXC Slackdown" for CMS Critic: * 5 Takeaways from Boye & Co CMS Experts Kickoff:
What encouraging words would you like to share with those new to the community and perhaps new in their career?
No matter what your role, title, status, or place in the industry, you matter! Your voice is by default unique, your experiences are your own, and the opportunity to connect and support others is always available. Utilize your special skills - like a superhero - and bring or amplify goodness into the world.
List other URLs to showcase your work, such as GitHub, StackOverflow, StackExchange, Twitter, and others that are relevant.