Join the Community!

Transparency, Authenticity, Community. A community platform that brings together individuals and businesses to share their knowledge and ideas on the digital experience. It's Free!

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Collaborate, Innovate, and Thrive!

DigitalExperience.Community is a platform that brings together individuals and businesses to share their knowledge and ideas on the digital experience.


Our vendor agnostic community allows us to discuss positive and negative aspects.

Community Driven

A platform that brings together individuals and businesses to share their knowledge and ideas on the digital experience.


Exchange ideas about websites, mobile applications, social media platforms, email marketing campaigns, and other digital touchpoints.

Why this Community?

With the rise of composable solutions in the digital experience space, multiple vendors have emerged with their communities. However, these communities are often isolated and fragmented, needing a cohesive network to share knowledge and ideas.


Fragmented and isolated vendor-based communities highlight the need for a cohesive, vendor independent digital experience community.

Vendor Independent

Instead of being tightly controlled like vendor-centric communities, a community created by its members offers the flexibility to openly discuss the pros and cons of different software vendors. Vendors are welcome to join.


Let's create a community that prioritizes collaboration, innovation, and inclusivity. By joining forces and sharing experiences, we can build a thriving digital experience community that benefits everyone.

By The Community

A community built by the community provides the freedom to discuss both positive and negative aspects of various software platforms.

Who should participate?

Professionals involved in all aspects of Digital Experience are welcome to participate in the community. Here are a few examples:

Digital experience
UX/UI designers
Digital marketers
Customer experience
Content creators and strategists
Product managers
Business analysts
IT professionals
Vendors in the DX Space

Why Join?

Collaborate with a network of professionals in the digital experience space
Exchange ideas and knowledge on digital experience topics
Gain exposure to the latest trends, tools, and technologies in digital experience
Develop your skills in community building, event management, and content creation
Make a positive impact on the digital experience community and its members
Expand your professional network and connect with potential clients, partners, and employers

How can you participate?

A community is a group of people who share common characteristics, interests, or goals and are connected by social relationships, geographical location, or cultural ties.

We want to make sure everyone can participate in this community. Here are a few ways:

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Community Chat

Signup for the Community Chat to seek help with an issue or to help guide others.

Request Invite
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Most Valuable Professional

Nominate someone or yourself to share your knowledge and helping others.

Learn More
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Be the ambassador and help spread the word about this community and help the community members.

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Help run the community, work with the community members, and continue the mission.

People Working togetherOffice setting, people giving each other high five

Digital Experience (DX)

Digital Experience (DX) is the interaction between users and digital interfaces, products, and services. It encompasses the complete digital journey of a user, from their initial discovery of a product or service to the final purchase and post-purchase experience. DX is not just limited to websites but also includes mobile applications, social media platforms, email marketing campaigns, and other digital touchpoints.

DX is crucial for businesses today because it directly impacts customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention. A positive DX can increase sales, engagement, and brand reputation. At the same time, a negative DX can lead to lost opportunities, low conversion rates, and a damaged brand image.

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People working together around a computer

Digital Experience Platform (DXP)

A Digital Experience Platform (DXP) is a comprehensive solution that integrates various systems and technologies to provide a unified platform for managing the entire digital customer journey. These systems include content management, customer relationship management, e-commerce, marketing automation, and analytics and reporting. By bringing these systems together, businesses can create a seamless and personalized digital experience that drives engagement, conversion, and loyalty.

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